How to Choose the Right Mobile Plan

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  1. Check your current data usage

    With the rise of unlimited plans, you might feel pressure to change your data bucket and opt for an unlimited plan. But if you’re not a heavy data user (less than 4GB a month), chances are you’re better off skipping the plan upgrade — and sticking to a lower tier data plan. 
  2. Consider your lifestyle 

    Have a large family that needs coverage? You’ll want to look into family plans that enable several people to stay connected at a rate that provides economic flexibility. 

    Similarly, if you’re just looking to cover yourself, you’ll want to consider how much talk, text and data you truly need — and amend your plan where appropriate. Make plans to look at your current carrier account to assess where you can make changes.
  3. Determine your deal-breakers

    Plans that don’t offer free roaming probably won’t work for those who travel a lot — and similarly, if you’re an avid music streamer, you’ll want to avoid plans that limit your data to 1GB a month. 
  4. Evaluate your daily phone habits 

    Do you talk on the phone for hours, but spend very little time texting or using data? Look for a plan that gives you more hours to talk — and imposes limits to your text and data. That way, you’ll pay only for what you’ll truly use.
  5. Look for discounts 

    Wireless can be costly  — so taking the time to find out if your carrier offers any special discounts is important. You may be able to score major savings with your wireless carrier simply by way of your union membership.

    Research what plans are eligible for discounting pricing, and consider your savings opportunities. The discount plan may come with less data allowance than the one you had before, but you'll save more money in the long run. 
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It’s no secret that choosing the right mobile plan can be overwhelming. Just when you feel like you've found the perfect plan, a new offer comes onto the market, and you're back trying to figure it out all again. To make things easier, we've complied a list of five tips to help you decide which plan is best for you.

Katrina Lowe, Union Privilege Staff